Some Context...

Death's Dynamic Shroud is a musical collective comprised of members James Webster, Tech Honors, and Keith Rankin. They originally created vaporwave music, but have started to delve into other genres such as rock and synth-pop. The members grew up playing games in the Final Fantasy series, and are thus inspired by the games. James Webster would release his first album, 'シ​ェ​ン​ム​ー​ONLINE', under the moniker in 2014, and Tech Honors would release his first, 'テ​ィ​ー​ン​フ​ァ​ン​タ​ジ​ー​:​MYSTIC QUEST', a month later. They released nine other albums that year, with only two being collaborative efforts. In August, while staying at James' house, Keith Rankin would join the band, and the two would create the raw, but beloved album '신​세​기 EVANGELIS' in a single night. Three months later, James released the fusion of psych-folk and vaporwave, 'VIRTUAL UTOPIA EXPERIENCE', the first DDS album to feature original vocals from a member. In May of 2015, James and Keith reunited to create the spiritual successor to '신​세​기 EVANGELIS', 'I'll Try Living Like This'. The album was a huge success by vaporwave standards, and is donned by many, the greatest vaporwave album created. In 2017, the three members would get together for the first time, and create the amazing maximalist album 'Heavy Black Heart'. In 2020, James and Tech started the NUWRLD Mixtape Club, where they would--and still do--create an album every single month, in rotation between the two of them. In 2021, Keith released another huge success under the name after joining the rotation of the NUWRLD Mixtape Club, 'Faith In Persona'. The album gained the attention of Anthony Fantano AKA theneedledrop, who gave it a score of 8/10. This brought even more attention to the group. In September of 2022, the group released yet another big success, 'Darklife'. All three members spent 3 years working on the album. As of February 2024, the group has released 62 albums in total, with 40 being part of the NUWRLD Mixtape Club.

Death's Dynamic Shroud